

Make a Connection Program

Register for the Make a Connection ProgramLearn more about volunteering for this program

The Make a Connection program provides access to meaningful activities and social interactions and provides an opportunity for caregivers to take a welcome and regular break from the demands of dementia care—a critical part of living well with dementia.

In this program, persons living with dementia are matched with volunteers for customized virtual visits. Tailored to each individual’s interests and hobbies, these visits could take the form of either simple chatting or planned sessions involving music, singing, photo slideshows, or videos.

Sessions take place in a variety of different ways based on comfort levels and personal preference – this might connect via Zoom, Facetime, or simply by phone or another mutually agreed upon technology.

While your person living with dementia is enjoying time with a trained volunteer, you can take a few minutes for yourself to restore and recharge. For some, this may mean sitting down to enjoy a cup of tea, undisturbed, or for others, planning their day, returning calls or making needed appointments. It’s your time, your call!

For more Make Connection tips, read our fact sheet.

Best of all, you can hit “pause” for a little while.

Register for the Make a Connection Program

Learn more about volunteering for this program

This program is a recipient of the Emergency Community Support Fund, funded by the Government of Canada and administered
by United Way Centraide Canada

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