

Tips on staying safe in the heat

A massive heat wave is headed our way beginning today. A reminder that dehydration is one of the worst things for people with dementia – it can exacerbate their symptoms very quickly.

A guide to helping your neighbours:

• Check in on those who live alone in your neighbourhood.
• Avoid going outside if you can. If you must, wear a large hat and loose, light clothing.
• Make sure never to leave an elderly person (or a child or a pet) in a car, even with the windows rolled down, for any length of time.
• Make sure to provide plenty of WATER, avoiding coffee or alcohol.
• If there is no air conditioning in the room, keep the windows closed and the shades drawn. Point a fan at yourself.
• If your window faces a shaded area that is cooler than it is inside, a fan can be placed at the window to blow the colder air into the house. If you have two fans, the second one can be placed blowing out of an open window to keep the cooler air circulating into the house.
• Soaking feet in a large vessel can reduce body temperature.

Stay safe in the heat!

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