About Us

We provide compassionate support, tailored coaching and practical education for everyone impacted by dementia while building a dementia inclusive community.

Change the Story

Learn how The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County change the story.

Awareness and Inclusion

This project focused on reducing the stigma associated with dementia and improving the quality of life for all people affected by dementia.

We're Celebrating!
40 Years of Community, Compassion, Connections, Strength, & Support

Dementia is described often as a marathon: it requires pacing and stamina. That’s why at The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County, we say that here, no one should face dementia alone.

At a kitchen table 40 years ago, a group of people facing dementia asked themselves “how can we make this better?” And with that, one of the most innovative dementia-support organizations in Canada was born.

Along the way, our organization developed numerous programs and approaches to support individuals diagnosed with dementia and the people who care for them. This includes our 1:1 Dementia Care Coach service which was developed in response to assist people based on their individual circumstances. This program was adopted nationally and was a precursor to many other service and support innovations like an ageing in place home assessments, and in-person, telephone and virtual visiting, and technology-support programs.

In 2017, the Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County became a stand-alone entity to ensure that all the funds we raise stay here to benefit people living in our community, specifically.

Through compassionate support, tailored coaching and practical education, we help people to live well when faced with dementia, while building a dementia inclusive community.

The seminal question “How can we make this better?” continues to guide us today. Our Board of Directors, our management team and staff are proud to carry on this legacy of independence and innovation and community.

We are very grateful for the trust and support our community demonstrates for our work and look forward to celebrating this important milestone together in 2022. Cheers to 40 more!

Our Story

We are here to support people who live with dementia as they find new ways to live well.

The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County supports people in our region who live with dementia, including individuals who have been diagnosed with dementia as well as their caregivers, spouses, children, and close friends.

With funding from the Local Health Integration Network (Ontario Ministry of Health) and the support and generosity of many donors, we provide free education, programs, activities, and services for people impacted by dementia including caregivers and their loved ones.

We also work to reduce the stigma of dementia to make our community more accessible to those who live with dementia. Through education and increased awareness, we show the greater community how to be more inclusive and to take responsibility for their brain health.

Our Vision

Here, no one faces dementia alone. Our community is one where people affected by dementia are valued, supported, and included.

Our Values


We deliver industry-leading dementia-specific programs and services based on evidence and best practice. We are committed to excellence in everything we do.


We are informed and inspired by people affected by dementia and work tirelessly to design and implement bold and innovative improvements for living with dementia.


Through mutual respect and compassion, we build enduring, trusted connections with all clients, partners, and our community.


We value and reflect the diversity of our community, working together to achieve more.

How We Help

We offer a wide variety of services to serve the unique needs of individuals who are living with dementia, as well as for those who care for them. We offer education programs on many diverse topics, and activities and programs that enhance the lives of those who are living with dementia.

But one of the main ways we help people with dementia is through the help and guidance we offer to their family members and caregivers, who play such an important role in coordinating and providing support and care. Our Dementia Care Coaches listen and offer appropriate and supportive counsel as well as information and education about dementia and the caregiver role. They refer individuals to services and help them navigate the health and social care system.

As a community resource, the Dementia Society offers social, recreational and caregiver peer support to over 5,500 people every year. We do this only through the support of thousands of donors, volunteers, and supporters who sustain our efforts.

This is truly a community organization working for its community.

To know the members of our community is to know The Dementia Society.

My Dementia Story

“I always wanted to try and improve my dad’s existence in small ways and The Dementia Society gave me the tools to do that,” Christine.

“My dad was hard working, liked country music and animals, and loved his family.” That is how Christine describes her dad, Peter, a police officer, a crown prosecutor, and then in 1985, a campground owner. He and his wife Gisele sold their house, took early retirement, and followed their dream of having their own campground. Sadly, his wife’s death in...

My Dementia Story

With the help of their Care Coach, Irene and her dad learned to make the most of their time with Gail.

Gail’s early stages of dementia became apparent when Irene, her daughter, noticed she paid her Ottawa Hydro bill several times in one month. Irene and her dad decided to reach out to the Dementia Society, where they connected with a Care Coach. Irene and her dad received information, support, and guidance on how to care for Irene as she progressed...

My Dementia Story

Volunteer Week Spotlight: Moe Archambault, Architect of Infectious Fun

Moe has a dynamic energy that permeates a room. When she takes out the shakers, the drums, or the paddles, it has an infectious effect on the rest of the group. They cast aside their inhibitions and join in enthusiastically, singing and shaking their noisemakers while following Moe’s lead.< One of the originators of The Dementia Society’s Turquoise music program,...

My Dementia Story

Volunteer Week Spotlight: Baker Tilly, the Accounting Team that Walks The Walk

Rosa Maria Iuliano had her hands full. She was at the Walk For Dementia with her baby daughter Ida, volunteering at the registration table with her accounting firm Baker Tilly Ottawa LLP. And she had to move a large amount of cash and cheques, safely and secretly, to the back room where other representatives from Baker Tilly could count it...

Our History

For over 40 years, The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County has provided support, education and activities to people impacted by dementia in our region so that here, no one faces dementia alone.

The Alzheimer's Society of Ottawa-Carleton is established.
Incorporation of the Society.
The Society establishes the first Canadian Alzheimer Day Away program.
The Society works with Algonquin College to develop, fund and teach "Working with Alzheimer's Clients and Families."
The first Walk for Memories is held at Carlingwood Mall.
Dementia Studies Program at Algonquin College becomes the first Ontario Ministry of Education and Training approved dementia studies program in Canada.
The Alzheimer Society expands service to Renfrew County.
"The Bungalows" at Peter D. Clark Long Term Care Centre open, Conceived and conceptualized by the Alzheimer Society.
First Link Pilot Project Program launched supported by Ontario Trillium Foundation grant.
Champlain Dementia Forum leads to the formation of the Champlain Dementia Network.
• The Guest House, a dementia-care and respite home, is built as an initiative of Perley and Rideau Veterans Health and Care for Health and Community Services and Alzheimer Society.

• Alzheimer Society changes name to Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County.

• Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County is one of four pilot sites to receive funding from Ontarion Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for First Link dementia support program.
Walk for Memories moves from Carlingwood Mallto Carleton University Fieldhouse.
Partnership with Alzheimer Society of Toronto to offer first webinar for family caregivers.
• Local Health Integration Network provides core funding to Champlain Dementia Network for ongoing public awareness strategy

• Launched first-ever e-learning module "preparing for the move" to support those moving to long-term care homes.
Re-Think Dementia (public awareness campaing) is launched.
Walk for Memories moves from Carleton University Fieldhouse, outdoors to Tunney's Pasture.
The name of the organization is changed to The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County.
The Dementia Society offers virtual support, education and activities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and serves more people than ever.
Post-pandemic, support, education and activities are offered online and in-person.