Dementia Education

Dementia Inclusive Training – Video

About This Video

Many people impacted by dementia find themselves isolated due to the stigma of the illness, whether they are a person living with a diagnosis or a caregiver. This Dementia Inclusive Training is a 30-45 minute long customized training module that sensitizes and provides personalized advice to business and service providers and individuals to the needs of people living with dementia and their caregivers. Learn strategies for approaching and communicating with a person living with dementia, and gain perspective on environmental considerations to optimize your place of business for people living with dementia and their caregivers.

Dementia-Inclusive Training and certification are available at no charge and can be delivered virtually, on-demand or in-person and on-site at business and organization locations. Businesses that become Dementia Inclusive-Certified can benefit from increased traffic and demonstrate good corporate citizenship.

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Dementia Inclusive Training