

35 Years Strong!

Plaque presented to Paddy Bowen CEO
(l to r): John Fraser, MPP Ottawa South and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care); Jim Watson, Mayor of Ottawa; Paddy Bowen, CEO, The Dementia Society; Lynda Colley, Chair of Board of Directors, The Dementia Society.

Community partners, caregivers, volunteers, media and Dementia Society staff joined the Board of Directors and Mayor Jim Watson and MPP John Fraser at a very special event to officially launch the new name of the Society and its exciting new website.

Board Chair Lynda Colley addressed the guests providing background on the Boards decision to leave the Federation of Alzheimer Societies and change the name of the organization, launching this 35 year old leadership entity into yet another chapter in its remarkable history. Board member Linda Assad-Butcher kindly provided some of Lynda Colley’s in French.

Dementia Society CEO Paddy Bowen provided a passionate overview of some of the new developments in the organization, now added to the base of services that more than 7500 people in our local community access each year.

Greetings and stories of personal experience with dementia were brought by Mayor Watson, MPP John Fraser, Sheila Bauer, Co-chair of the Champlain Dementia Network and Diane Hupé a distinguished member of the Board of the Local Health Integration Network.

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