Activities, Support & Services
Support Group

Eganville Memory Café

About This Program

Our peer support groups provide a safe environment to learn, share, express and help each other through mutual understanding and support. These groups are co-facilitated by an individual with lived experience with dementia, and a trained Dementia Society Care Coach. Experience a compassionate environment and receive up-to-date, accurate information.

We regret to inform you that the Eganville Memory Café will be temporarily put on pause.  We invite you to join one of our Renfrew County Support Groups offered in Pembroke, Barry’s Bay, Renfrew, Deep River or Arnprior

The Eganville 3-Part Art Workshop will continue to be run, and is open for registration. You can use the link HERE to register for the Eganville 3-Part Workshop.


Presented By

The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County

Date and Time

2nd Wednesday of every month
10:30 AM -12:00 PM


No charge


West Ottawa and Refrew County

Get Directions

Eganville & District Senior Citizens Needs Association

30 Bell St, Eganville, ON K0J 1T0

What You Can Expect


Ability to safely share your experience with others facing similar situations.


Expert advice and compassion from a trained Dementia Society Care Coach.


Connect to others in your community for help and advice through mutual understanding and peer support.

Register Now

Registration is closed while the Eganville Memory Café is currently on pause. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at We invite you to join one of our Renfrew County Support Groups offered in Pembroke, Barry’s Bay, Renfrew, Deep River or Arnprior.