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Alzheimer’s Awareness Month Week 3: Risk Factors for Dementia

January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Throughout the month, The Dementia Society will share information about brain health, dementia, its risk factors and prevention, and encourage conversations about the inclusion of people impacted by dementia in our community.

We will be exploring four major themes this month: What is Dementia, Preventing Dementia, Risk Factors for Dementia, and Dementia Inclusion. 

This week’s theme is: Risk Factors for Dementia.

Risk Factors for Dementia

Dementia is not normal aging. While there is no single cause for dementia, there are things that increase the risks. When something increases a person’s chances of developing dementia, it is called a risk factor. Read the factsheet to learn more about risk factors and lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risks.

Did you know that women are diagnosed with dementia twice as often as men? Women also account for 70% of family caregivers and 80% of professional caregivers.

Here’s a playlist of past Women’s Brain Health webinars by The Dementia Society that shed light on how dementia affects women differently and things you can do now to prevent some forms of dementia in the future.

Curious to know more about how dementia affects women in Canada and around the world? Check out our Women & Dementia Infographic.

Y♀ur Brain Health: Stress and Depression as Risk Factors for Dementia. Join speakers Bonnie Daros and Mary Prince, Psychogeriatric Resource Consultants to learn about stress and depression, how they affect women, signs and symptoms to recognize them and some practical tips for managing stress and mental wellness. 

Date: Wednesday, January 18

Time: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST

The Dementia Society advocates for and employs an individualized approach to care and always considers the person living with dementia and their unique needs and circumstances.

Connect with a Dementia Care Coach

A Dementia Care Coach provides expert emotional and practical support, and individualized care planning and coordination that improves the quality of life of caregivers, families and people living with dementia.