Protect Your Brain Health

You can reduce your risk of developing dementia by up to 40% if you adopt a brain-healthy lifestyle. Small changes can make a big impact.

In Ottawa and Renfrew County, 24,000 people are currently living with dementia. Our dementia population is expected to grow to slightly less than 60,000 by the year 2050.

You can change the story by participating in brain-health-promoting lifestyle practices. By making even a few changes to your lifestyle you can change the story. 

8 Healthy Habits That Help Prevent Dementia

Care for Your Heart

Track your numbers and keep them in the recommended ranges: Track your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and weight.

Be Physically Active

Aim for 30 minutes of activity most days.

Eat Healthy

Follow Canada’s Food Guide: plenty of vegetables and fruits, limit highly processed foods and make water your drink of choice.

Be Social

Maintain frequency of visits with friends and family members.

Challenge Your Brain

Expose your brain to new things. Do more than one type of activity.

Protect Your Head

Wear a helmet during sporting activities. Avoid situations where a fall is possible.

Sleep Well

Get 7-8 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. Have a regular sleep routine. Try relaxation techniques.

Care for Your Mental Health

Talk about your mental health. Build resilience. Practice all the other brain healthy choices.

Improve Your Nutrition, Mindfulness, and Activity Practices

Dementia Education

Learn about dementia and brain health with The Dementia Society’s learning guides and resources.

Activities and Programs

Find the many ways The Dementia Society supports those affected by dementia, so they feel connected and supported in our community.

Activities and Programs

Find the many ways The Dementia Society supports those affected by dementia, so they feel connected and supported in our community.

Dementia Inclusive Training

Dementia-Inclusive Training and certification are available at no charge and can be delivered virtually, on-demand or in-person and on-site at business and organization locations.

Yes, we CAN prevent and delay some forms of dementia.

Explore More Educational Resources on Dementia Prevention and Brain Health

In-person Event
Learn about long term care, how to apply and making the transition. Delivered in patnership by Home and Community Care Ontario Health East, The Dementia Society, and a caregiver with lived experience.
In-person Event
Learn about optimizing cognitive health through lifestyle choices and social support. This education sessions is intended for people who are experiencing Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and their close family members/friends. MCI involves memory loss that is greater than expected for ones age but not enough to compromise ones ability to carry out daily activities.

Dementia Education

Learn about optimizing cognitive health through lifestyle choices and social support. This education sessions is intended for people who are experiencing Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and their close family members/friends. MCI involves memory loss that is greater than expected for ones age but not enough to compromise ones ability to carry out daily activities.

Dementia Education

Learn about long term care, how to apply and making the transition. Delivered in patnership by Home and Community Care Ontario Health East, The Dementia Society, and a caregiver with lived experience.

Dementia Education

Learn from local and leading experts about the science of dementia, research, associated behaviours of dementia, caregiving and community resources. This series is informed by the latest evidence-based research and practices.

Dementia Education

Many people impacted by dementia find themselves isolated due to the stigma of the illness, whether they are a person living with a diagnosis or a caregiver. Dementia Inclusive Training is a one-hour in-person, on-site or online training module that sensitizes business and service providers and individuals to the needs of people living with dementia and their caregivers. Learn strategies for approaching and communicating with a person living with dementia, and gain perspective on environmental considerations to optimize your place of business for people living with dementia and their caregivers.

Dementia Education

Yes, we can prevent and delay some forms of dementia. Learn about brain health and memory wellness to build brain resilience and fend off dementia.

Dementia Education

Learn to spot the signs of dementia and how these differ from normal aging and where to turn if you have concerns.

Dementia Education

Dementia can be highly isolating for a person living with this illness and for the people caring for them. Get practical tips to help make our community more welcoming and inclusive for people impacted by dementia.